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Ethical Engagement Guideline
This guideline has been developed by the Global Network of Young People living with HIV (Y+ Global) to support organisations to work more meaningfully and effectively with young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and to ensure that our contribution really does make a difference and that we are supported during this process. It is for all organisations working with young people living with HIV including donors, international agencies, NGOs, government departments, implementing organisations, advocacy and media organisations.

Scorecard for Organisations
Digitial version for using on screen: fill the form in using a pdf reader (e.g. adobe acrobat) by clicking the check boxes. When you have completed the questions, save the PDF as a new file – your answers will be saved in the PDF. You can also print the PDF after completion or send it to someone else by attaching the PDF to an email

Scorecard for Young People
Digitial version for using on screen: fill the form in using a pdf reader (e.g. adobe acrobat) by clicking the check boxes. When you have completed the questions, save the PDF as a new file – your answers will be saved in the PDF. You can also print the PDF after completion or send it to someone else by attaching the PDF to an email

Young Person's Guide
Young people living with HIV play a critical role in the response to HIV as they have been impacted so heavily. Over the years, we have seen the number of young people involved in shaping the global HIV response grow. Their engagment has been crucial in reducing HIV transmission rates amongst young people and improving the quality of life and access to treatment for young people living with HIV (YPLHIV).

Participation Summary
Participation has been a foundation of good development for many years ensuring individuals and communities can access information and influence the decisions that affect their lives. Models of participation have been developed and debated at length but commonly promote the ownership and commitment of communities, and the active participation by local citizens, in programmes and policy development.

Risk Assessment Form